Friday, April 27, 2012

Black Lightning

Mr. Hamadryas: We had great hopes that this show would provide humorous insight, be easy picking, have much awkwardness, and hopefully even campy directing. The cover and synopsis supported this hope. I apologize that my comments will not be traditionally baboon butt-ish. We were all at a loss as to how good this show actually was. Honestly and drastically surprised. The special effects were great, the plot could have come in a can- but still entertaining and fun. It was a Russian movie with English subtitles. However, there has not been a show released in a long time, with Universal Studios and Focus Entertainment behind them, that taught such fantastic messages, morally and ethically, and even provided a phenomenal example of family life. Watch it if you have the opportunity. Awkward Moment: This show was a shameless advertisement for Mentos. Hoochy Factor: Minimal. Violence Factor: Medium. Would classify as an action flick Gore Factor: Minimal. Cuss Factor: Minimal. We believe one 'a' word. Who'd wanna see it? Me Who should see it: Everyone Baboon Butts: None.

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