Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Comment Definition

Mr. Hamadryas: We have come to the realization that having another form of critique may be appropriate. A content rating system has, within our circle, been implemented. Hoochy factor: A high hoochy factor is representative anything that supports the idea that 'sex sells'. Gore factor: Not necessarily synonymous with violence, a high gore factor would be characterized by blood and guts and these things being flung all over the place. Violence factor: Fairly self explanatory. A good example of a high violence factor and a low gore factor would be The Darkest Hour. Lots of dying- but people just turned to dust- no giblets. Cuss factor: Now if I need to explain this to you, your parents missed the boat on acceptable social vocabulary. But to be fair, The Fantastic Mr. Fox does have a low cuss factor- even though he says the word 'cuss' many times.

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