Sunday, September 27, 2009

Terminator 1

Who'd want to see it?
Frank: Mullet sporting arcade junkies and a handful of D&D nerds; also grandmas who like naked, time-traveling men, yet are too afraid of technology to use it, with the exception of a VCR and TV set.
Luella: 90s-born kids who want a taste of the 80s.

Quick Plot

Frank: "Classic Robot from future going back in time to prevent its inevitable fate, flick." Nekad man A (Arnold Schwarzenegger), A.K.A. Terminator (A highly advanced Austrian Cybernetic organism), hatches from a future time via a bubble en route to kill Sara Connor, (Linda Hamilton) (Mother of John Connor, Leader of the Resistance, or guy who is gonna kick some metal booty). Nekad man B (Michael Biehn), A.K.A. Kyle Reese, hatches from another time bubble to protect Sara from the Terminator. Oh, Awkward Side note, Kyle ends up in a sticky time situation when he decides to have a fling with Sara Connor, and unbeknownst to him, She conceives her son John, who meets kyle in the future only to send him back in time to protect his mother, and to get himself conceived. Weird.
Luella: Kyle Reese, sent by John Connor, goes to 1984 to protect Sarah Connor from the lean, mean Terminator machine.

Frank: Frankly, this is one of those movies where you just had to be there to know what was going on. Acting is Pretty good, but the music is questionable. It's as if a guy with a synthesizer showed up in the dressing room and somehow his electronic personality struck a chord with James Cameron, and he was handed the movie to scribe a score. Maybe they were old grade school friends, and James owed this guy a lunch ticket. Anyhow, the music stinks. As for the action, it is pretty heart-stop-stillish, especially considering the animation at the end of the film.
Luella: All those 80s quips, special effects, music--everything--came from this movie. It has the "I'll be Bahck," the lazers, and yes, synthesizers to boot. Even though my parents and siblings had seen this movie, I had not. So when I saw it, I was, well, disappointed. Everyone is just so young and stupid. Meanwhile, the Terminator's safety is not on, and he's blowing everyone away, even the little man in the gun shop. I liked him better when he was nice, in 1994ish.
Awkward Moment

Frank: The best part is when Sara Connor's roommate (Whose head is always attached to the headphones they made back then with the pathetic foam stuff, and the cheap aluminum head band), goes out to the kitchen for a small midnight snack, while her nekad boyfriend encounters the terminator. The boyfriend's acting is priceless.

Luella: Frank forgets to mention that the boyfriend, upon waking up and sees the beasty Terminator does not scream, punch back, run, grab a weapon. This man looks up at him for a good second/second and a half and sighs "Whoa." Yes. Whoa. A young Keanu Reeves, if you ask me.
Another awkward part is whent he Terminator must quickly perform an eye surgery. First you see Arnold, then, FLASH, puppet Arnold comes and takes out the eye. It's low-budget 80s at its finest, ladies and gents.

It's not a tumor...

Total Baboon Butts


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